Our Leadership
The Bible appoints two distinct offices to serve the spiritual and physical well-being of the local church.
Elders provide spiritual oversight and teaching ministry of the church. Our elders must meet the qualifications laid out in Scripture:
1 Timothy 3:1-7
Titus 3:5-9
Deacons minister to the physical needs of the church. Our deacons must meet the qualifications laid out in Scripture:
1 Timothy 3:8-13
Titus 3:5-9
Grace Fellowship Church also appointed three trustees who faithfully maintain the buildings and grounds.
Josef Urban
The Lord called Josef to pastor Grace Fellowship in July 2022. He started out in ministry doing inner city outreach and open-air preaching. He has experience in church planting, spent ten years as a missionary in Latin America, and has served in pastoral ministry since 2010. He holds a Master of Theological Studies from Reformed Baptist Seminary and a Master of Divinity from Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids. He continues to pursue doctoral studies in Reformed homiletics and biblical exegesis.
Josef and Lina were married in 2007 and the Lord has blessed them with three children. He enjoys biblical exegesis, studying the works of (mostly dead) theologians, spending quality time with family and friends, and enjoying the great outdoors. His personal website is josefurban.org.
Jason Hunt
Jason was introduced to Grace Fellowship in 1999 while working at a nearby summer camp ministry (The Springs). He first learned the Doctrines of Grace at GFC and was overwhelmed with the sovereignty of God revealed in Scripture.
Jason and his wife, Jaime, reside in Harrison. They have been blessed with three children. He enjoys golfing, boating, and spending time with family and friends.
Dave Wright
Dave began attending Grace Fellowship in 1951. He has been married to his bride, Debby, since 1981. He and Debby have five adult children, eight grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren (one, Elena, is with the Lord). Although he retired from Clare County Road Commission, he still actively serves the community as Township Supervisor. He enjoys spending time with his family and siblings, and serving neighbors and friends when needed.
Frank Hilts
Frank grew up in Gladwin County and has attended Grace Fellowship since 1997. Upon retirement, he sold his plumbing and heating business. Retirement lends him more time toward his car restoration hobby and keeping the water and heat going at GFC.
Frank and his wife, Barbara, have been married since 1961. They have two children, five grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren.
Ervin Ashby
Erv has been actively involved at Grace Fellowship since 2002. He married his better half, Donna, in 1971, and retired from the medical field many years ago. Erv and Donna have two children, four grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. Although he is no longer in the medical profession, Erv and his wife continue to use their medical experience as hospice volunteers.
When possible, Erv likes to golf, help where needed at the church, watch Hallmark movies with Donna, and fellowship with the body of Christ.
Don Maze
Don and his wife, Melissa, have been part of Grace Fellowship since 2010. They have a full quiver of seven kids and 13 grandkids; they love hosting everyone when they come back home to enjoy an afternoon of grilling and eating in the backyard. His job as a self-employed mechanic keeps him more busy than he would like to be, and when he has any occasional free time, he is probably working on one of his kids’ cars (at no charge, of course!).
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