A Bible-expositing, God-exalting, warm-hearted Reformed and Baptist congregation in Gladwin, MI

—4031 Adams Rd., Gladwin, MI 48624—
Sunday worship: 11 a.m.
Sunday school: 10 a.m.
Wednesday Bible study & prayer: 6 p.m.
We invite you to gather with us in Gladwin, Michigan! We will greet you with a warm-hearted welcome bespeaking of the love to which Christ has called us as a body of believers (John 13:35). We are a Reformed Baptist congregation that follows the apostolic pattern of preaching God’s word, fellowship, prayer, observing the Lord’s Supper, and singing to God through Psalms and hymns from our rich Christian heritage (Acts 2:42; Col. 3:16). We uphold the Five Solas, believe in the Doctrines of Grace, and preach Jesus Christ as the focal point of God’s revelation in Scripture. We subscribe to the 1689 London Baptist Confession, which we hold to be an accurate summary of the major doctrines of the Bible.
Our method of preaching is the sequential, verse-by-verse exposition of entire books of the Bible. Our current series on the Lord’s Day is on the Gospel According to Mark (Sundays, 11am). On Wednesday evenings, we are teaching through the Book of Romans (6pm). In all of this, we strive to be biblically-based, God-focused, Christ-exalting, evangelistically-minded, and practically-oriented. Nursery is available for mothers with young children. Biblical counseling is available to sincere persons in need of help, even if you do not come to our church. If you have any questions, reach out to us. Our pastor would love to speak with you!

Sunday Services
Our Sunday morning worship service begins at 11:00 a.m. Sunday school is at 10:00 a.m. We are currently going through the Gospel of Mark verse by verse in our morning worship services. In our Sunday School, our men are teaching historically orthodox doctrine through the New City Catechism.

Bible Studies
Our Wednesday evening Bible study and prayer begins at 6:00 p.m. Our pastor is currently teaching through the Book of Romans according to the lectio continua (continued reading) method followed by a time of congregational prayer. This is more of a ‘teaching’ than a ‘preaching.’ Come visit! We’d love to hear your prayer requests and pray for you.

Lord’s Supper
We celebrate the Lord’s Supper the first Sunday of every month. Genuine believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are welcome to participate. Afterwards, we enjoy a fellowship meal. Everyone is welcome to eat with us. This is a great time to meet new people and to hear about how the Lord has worked in the lives of other members of His body.

Listen to sermons from our archive as well as our current series on the
Gospel According to Mark.
Recent Sermon Audio:
Worship With Us
Grace Fellowship Church
4031 Adams Rd. Gladwin, MI 48624
Phone for info: 989–424–1809

God’s Faithfulness into Three Centuries
Grace Fellowship Church has been preaching the Good News of Jesus Christ for over 125 years. Founded in 1895 by a civil war veteran, the church has been preserved by God’s amazing providence through numerous eras of American history.
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